Langar cum Barnstone - A Little History

Actually, for two small villages, it's rather a lot of history.

Scroll down for links to each period.

Some topics cover several periods of history; click for a list of Multi-period topics.

For all the pages on this website, click Site Map.

(A Potted History of England has résumés of each period. There's also A more detailed Potted History and a list of English Monarchs.)














The Georgians  




The 21st Century

Whatever next ?!  . . .

Before we start  . . .  Prehistory and History


  The word 'Prehistory' means the time before writing. 

'History' started when people began to write.


The first people to write anything down about this country were the Romans who first arrived in 55 BC. 

● So what happened after the Romans is HISTORY.

● What happened before the Romans is PREHISTORY 

                    and has been discovered by archaeologists.